To buy or not to buy
I did not pre-order the iPad. I own a lot of Apple gear. My intentions were not to buy this device because I didn't quite get the device. That's even after watching every video and keynote. The night before it hit stores I did what any other fanboy would do; I was thinking about the device. I thought long and hard about it, I decided that in "Steve I trust." I started reading about how pre-orders were sold out and rumor had it that it would be "slim pickings" on trying to get one at the store with out pre-ordering. My next move was to hit craigslist and see if anyone was selling theirs. I found a couple of sellers, sent them emails, and anxiously waited. I got no response.
Next day
The next day, still no response. It was 1:00PM, I called the Apple store a sales rep. said, "there's no line, I don't know how long that will last, and we have units available in every size, again I don't know how long that will last." I immediately got to the store, as I walked up there was no line! I was thinking, "ha ha ha, I knew this thing was gonna flop." There's no way a company as awesome as Apple could pull this many wins. I enter the Apple store, and it was packed! I wanted to hold the device in my hands, unfortunately looking at the station with the display models that wasn't going to happen. I thought about it as I approached a sales rep. and bought one.
There is no spoon
After syncing my iPad for the first time (which was exactly like iPhone) I found myself in the web browser a lot. Browsing the internet on this device is insane. Yes, this thing is really just a larger version of an iPod Touch. However I think that statement doesn't help potential first time buyers. My iPhone now feels like this very small and dated device. I think it's because, before iPhone/iPad a computer was composed of separate devices that have a single purpose. The outputs were not connected to the inputs. There was a screen, a keyboard, and a mouse or pen. This is where Tablet PC's failed, you still needed a stylus to do input, and using your finger didn't work well at all. Now with these newer devices everything is folded into a single sleek device. The difference between an iPod Touch and an iPad that everyone might be overlooking is the input, more screen real estate equals a larger soft keyboard. This is where some people are saying it's "natural". Tangible interfaces on a much larger scale are finally here.
Goodbye other devices
I did not put my iPad down till around 11:30PM. The battery had not even dipped below 50% and I had been hitting the device hard by watching videos, browsing the web, playing with apps. I was flipping out! I started thinking about how this device competes with existing products and what I would make for this device. Ever heard of a netbook? I spent a long time trying to figure out which netbook to get, turns out they all sucked. How about those annoying portable DVD players? Gone. The Kindle/e-book reader? This is an interesting one. About one year ago I had the opportunity to use a Kindle for 30 days. I read two books, and even the Wall Street Journal. It was a sweet device, but it was lacking something and I couldn't put my finger on it. I finally figured it out. It's all of the buttons on the device! When I read a book in the analog, do I have a QWERTY keyboard on my book? FAIL.